Install NorESM2.2ΒΆ


Before continuing with the installation of NorESM2.2 please be aware that this is a preliminary (in development) version of the model, which has not yet been released or properly tested. Thus, care must be taken when using the results of this model version (pre-release). Also, only a limited number of compsets is presently working.

To install NorESM2.2 follow instructions on NorESM webpage:

  1. First clone the NorESM repository to a folder <noresm-base>:

git clone <noresm-base>

  1. Then enter the specified directory:

cd <noresm-base>

  1. List all available branches for checkout:

git branch --all

  1. However, instead of checking out a branch/release-tag with model version 2.0.x, check out the branch remotes/origin/noresm2.2, e.g.:

git checkout -b noresm2.2 origin/noresm2.2

For issues related to model installation (e.g. svn-related) see NorESM webpage.